Villa S. Lucia

Progetto Finanziato dall'Unione Europea

Palaeolithic and Neolithic artefacts have been discovered in the locality of Santa Scolastica (so called because it was the site of annual meetings between the saint and her brother St Benedict, and the scene, on 6 February 547, of the miracle known as "the rain", mentioned by St Gregory the Great) and Roman artefacts, found in the hamlets of: Pittoni and Piumarola.

Anciently called Villa di Piedimonte, there are documentary traces of it since 1052, when it was registered as being part of the territory of Aquino; later it passed to that of Montecassino. The territory is rich in evidence of the age of abbey monasticism.

Today, the town is an agricultural and industrial centre and hosts: the Benedictine Church of Colloquio (dating back to the 6th century), the Franciscan Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie (16th century), the Napoleonic Cemetery (late 19th century), the Parish Church of S. Lucia V. M. (18th century but dating back to the 16th century), the remains of the Piumarola Castle and those of the Sant'Angelo in Fortunula Castle, the ruined Church of San Nicola della Cicogna, the latter and two Benedictine hermitages.